PERMANENTS Newsletter – High impact topics.
Hundreds of Newsletters are published every day, distributing „News“ which will be „Olds“ just a couple of hours later, to be replaced by „Newer-News“. Reflection not required, just maximize consumption.
Not a trend worth to follow. PERMANENTs are different. PERMANENTs focus on topics which have been important in the past, remain important today and are highly likely to be important tomorrow and in the foreseeable future. Topics beyond the Newsletter-Mainstream. Not for the quick scan but for the quiet read, for inspiration and reflection.ENTREPRENEURIAL BET INNOVATION STRATEGY PART 1
Project review counsel, innovation portfolio management board, innovation review committee, board innovation decision committee. Project reporting, portfolio reporting, innovation performance reporting, traffic light innovation summary, aggregated board innovation review report.
The thread of project control installed by many companies resembles more closely a hawser fit to tow a super-tanker. What drives organisations towards such a control over-kill?